At American Home Rug Gallery, we pride ourselves on having a vast inventory of rugs to fit any need, any room, and any style! When you’re looking to center a room or incorporate your own aesthetics to make a space truly your own, a rug is the perfect accessory to tie any area together!

Whether your tastes lean more towards contemporary and modern, or you prefer the warmth of a southwestern pattern or the pop of color you’d find in a boho design, our team will help you choose from our incredible selection of rugs to find just what you need. From small accent rugs to statement pieces that will be the talk of any gathering, we carry the shapes, sizes, colors, and themes you need to complete a space.

Visit our Santa Fe and Albuquerque rug galleries to browse our great selection of affordable rugs and home decor pieces that will surely elevate any room in your home! To learn more, give us a call today or see us at one of our two convenient locations!

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Our Santa Fe and Albuquerque rug galleries showcase our great selection of affordable rugs.

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